Below are resources that can help you evaluate the Eyes to See, Ears to Hear Conversational English Curriculum as you consider the needs of your ministry audience.
Eyes to See Plan Chart
Also known as the “Scope and Sequence,” this chart gives an overview of what is covered in each unit and each section. This tool can help teachers determine which activities they want to focus on in each unit. It may also assist in finding the unit in which a certain story or grammar structure is discussed.
Prayer of an English Teacher
A prayer written by Heidi Jensen for English teachers.
Eyes to See Sample Unit
Unit 2 is often used as an example of the Eyes to See Curriculum. Teachers, please feel free to use the “Past tense Conversation Bingo” on the first page with your students even if you are not using the curriculum at this point.
Jesus Film Project.
The Jesus Film Project was instrumental in the development of the Eyes to See, Ears to Hear Conversational English Curriculum. Please visit the Jesus Film Project to learn more.
Watch Jesus Through the Eyes of Children
This film is created by Jesus Film Project, and allows us to see how children at the time of Jesus may have responded to Him. When Heidi Jensen first saw this film, she loved the way the kids discussed He was doing, and often explaining spiritual vocabulary for one another. It is an ideal tool for exposing English Language Learners to a biblically accurate portrayal of Jesus’ life and purpose.
The Story of Jesus through the Eyes of Children, © 2000 - 2020,
Inspirational Films, Inc. Footage adapted from other Inspirational Films, Inc. works, copyrighted 1979-2020.All rights reserved. Used with permission. No unauthorized duplication, reproduction, distribution, broadcast or exhibition without written